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Gran's Garden Seeds

Strawflower Helichrysum Yellow

Strawflower Helichrysum Yellow

Regular price $3.50 USD
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Strawflower Helichrysum Yellow (Helichrysum bracteatum)

Or Everlasting Daisy

Minimum 25 seeds per package

Open pollinated, non GMO

Strawflower is a terrific annual! It easily establishes from seeds, and produces lovely flowers from late spring until fall frosts. As an added bonus, the flowers can be cut and dried and made into dried floral arrangements. The flowers hold their color very well after drying giving the additional name for this flower of Everlasting Daisy. To dry, pick flowers when lower 2 - 4 rows of petals are just beginning to open. Remove foliage, bunch loosely and hang upside down in a warm, airy place.

Season: Annual

USDA Zones: 3 - 10

Height: approximately 40 inches

Bloom Season: Spring through fall

Bloom Color: Yellow

Environment: Full sun to partial shade

Soil Type: Moist, well-drained

Deer Resistant: Yes

Temperature: 72 - 76F

Average Germ Time: 7 - 10 days

Light Required: Yes

Depth: Do not cover the seed but press into the soil

Moisture: Keep seed moist until germination

Plant Spacing: 18 - 24 inches

Sowing Seed Indoors:

Sow strawflower 6-8 weeks before the last frost.

Sow seeds evenly and thinly and barely cover with seed starting formula.

Seeds need light to germinate.

Firm lightly and keep evenly moist.

Seedlings emerge in 7-10 days.

As soon as seedlings emerge, provide plenty of light.

Seedlings do not need much fertilizer, feed when they are 3-4 weeks.

If you are growing in small cells, you may need to transplant the seedlings to 3 or 4 inch pots when seedlings have at least 2 pairs of true leaves.

Before planting in the garden, seedling plants need to be “hardened off”. Accustom young plants to outdoor conditions by moving them to a sheltered place outside for a week.  Plant in the garden after frost danger has passed in a full sun location, in well-draining soil.

Sowing Directly in the Garden:

Direct sow in well-drained soil and full sun after danger of frost. Most plants respond well to soil amended with organic matter.  Compost is a wonderful form of organic matter. Sow seeds evenly and thinly and barely cover with fine soil. Seeds need light to germinate. Firm lightly and keep evenly moist.  Seedlings will emerge approximately 7-10 days depending. Thin to stand about 12 inches apart starting when seedlings are 2 inches high.


Process Time & Shipping

Orders are mailed out the next business day using USPS.

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